Many businesses are eligible for current tax write-offs for certain equipment purchases and building improvements. These write-offs can do wonders for cash flow, but whether to claim them isn’t always an easy decision. In some cases, there are advantages to choosing the regular depreciation rules....

This calendar notes important tax deadlines for the first quarter of 2024....

Self-employed individuals, and those with income from interest, rent, dividends and other sources, generally must pay estimated tax payments throughout the year. Mishandling these payments could trigger penalties. This brief article offers three strategies for getting it right, and a reminder that the next due...

Many Americans receive disability income, and the question is often asked: Is it taxable? The short answer is: That depends on who paid for it. This article details how and when taxes may apply. A sidebar discusses how much disability coverage an individual may need....

This brief article highlights how businesses may be able to secure bad debt deductions. This tax treatment isn’t automatic. A business must be able to show that the debt in question is worthless. The article explains the ins and outs of claiming a business bad...

Taxpayers who have IRAs and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) can transfer funds directly from their IRAs to their HSAs, under certain conditions. This is a once-in-a-lifetime transfer, without penalties or taxes, intended to help taxpayers who are hit with high medical bills that exceed the...

Many people who began working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic are still doing so, full or part-time. Business owners who moved their operations to a home office, or at least began performing some work functions there, may be able to claim home office expenses...

Individual taxpayers may be able to claim medical expense deductions on their tax returns. However, the rules can be challenging, and it can be difficult to qualify. This article offers up five points to keep in mind about the deductibility of medical expenses....

Receiving a sudden and sizable influx of cash may seem like a dream come true. It can be, but many people get carried away by a windfall and end up in worse financial shape. This article points out some of the pitfalls and how to...

Business owners sometimes decide to put their companies on the market. When doing so, they may focus on the federal tax implications of a sale. But there will be state tax implications, too. This brief article touches on some key issues regarding state taxes....

This calendar notes important tax deadlines for the fourth quarter of 2023....

When a married couple files a joint tax return, each spouse is “jointly and severally” liable for the full amount of tax on the couple’s combined income. Therefore, the IRS can pursue either spouse to collect the entire tax — not just the part that’s...

Nearly every business needs a website, but it’s not always easy to determine which costs of running one are deductible. Fortunately, there are guidelines, and even IRS guidance, to follow. This article discusses both the hardware and software costs associated with a website....

Every adult has a variety of critical documents that should be protected. This brief article discusses the importance of having a dependable safe or bank safe deposit box in which to store key documents, and even cash, in case of a major disaster....

As a result of the current estate tax exemption amount ($12.92 million in 2023), many people are no longer concerned with federal estate tax. This article points out that before 2011, a much smaller dollar amount resulted in many people attempting to avoid estate tax....

The COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath have significantly affected our lives in many ways that are still playing out. For example, the pandemic has served as a reminder of how difficult an unexpected medical crisis may be to manage financially. This article explores the pros...

Business partnerships may include situations that give the partners pause. This article explains that in any given year, the partners may have been taxed on more partnership income than was distributed to them. It notes that the cause of this quirk of taxation lies in...

Divorce is a difficult process for everyone involved. That’s why being clear and organized when it comes to finances can help facilitate the process. The first step is generally to compile a marital balance sheet. This brief article discusses this step and what it involves....

Family businesses make up a huge percentage of companies in the United States and produce much of the country’s gross domestic product. Often defined as companies that are majority owned by a single family with two or more members involved in their management, family businesses...

If your child is awarded a scholarship for college or another type of school, it’s certainly cause for celebration. But parents need to be aware of the potential tax implications. This article explains when a scholarship may be taxable....

Many people earn money during the year but don’t have any, or enough, federal tax withheld from the payments. Or they have taxable income from sources such as interest, dividends, self-employment income or capital gains. If that’s the case, they may need to make estimated...

This calendar notes important tax deadlines for the third quarter of 2023....

Stock market and interest rate uncertainty may cause some investors to turn to bonds. This brief article discusses several popular options, including U.S. government savings bonds and corporate bonds....

Two tax benefits may be available to offset the expenses of adopting a child. In 2023, adoptive parents may be able to claim a credit against their federal tax for up to $15,950 of “qualified adoption expenses” for each child. That’s a dollar-for-dollar reduction of...