The most effective way to protect assets from future creditors is to transfer them to children or other family members with no strings attached. But, understandably, many wealthier individuals want to retain some control over their wealth. This article looks at one potential option of...

If you’re an investor looking to save tax dollars, your kids might be able to help you out. Giving appreciated stock or other investments to your children can minimize the impact of capital gains taxes. For this strategy to work best, however, your child must not...

Once a relatively obscure concept, income in respect of a decedent (IRD) can create a surprisingly high tax bill for those who inherit certain types of property, such as IRAs or other retirement plans. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize or even eliminate the IRD...

When it comes to financial planning, most of us spend our time guarding against things that could go wrong. But what if something really good happens? Hitting the jackpot is obviously a nice problem to have. Yet an unexpected influx of cash can drive even...

Individuals may want to donate artwork so it can be enjoyed by a wider audience or available for scholarly study or simply to make room for new artwork in their home. Here are four tips for donating artwork with an eye toward tax savings: 1. Get...