Intrafamily loans can provide family members with financial support and encourage children to learn financial responsibility, all without diminishing one’s “nest egg.” But there are risks to consider. This article explains how an intrafamily loan should work and what to watch out for....

When is a loss actually a gain? When that loss becomes an opportunity to lower tax liability, of course. This article discusses the tried-and-true strategy of using capital losses to counter the potentially costly impact of capital gains....

The “Sandwich Generation” consists of those individuals who are currently taking care of their children and their elderly parents. This article covers some critical steps to take when incorporating an elderly parent’s needs into an adult child’s estate plan....

Nonqualified deferred compensation plans pay executives at some time in the future for services currently performed. Of course, in the hectic course of the average exec’s schedule, keeping up with the details isn’t always easy. This article explains how these plans differ from qualified plans...

Sponsors of defined benefit plans — commonly known as pensions — might be facing tighter scrutiny from the DOL. Just last year, the agency’s Employee Benefits Security Administration ramped up pension audits in its Philadelphia office and later decided to do so elsewhere. This article...

The TCJA didn’t eliminate the individual AMT. But the law did draw a silver lining around it. Revised rules now lessen the likelihood that many taxpayers will owe substantial taxes under the AMT for 2018 through 2025. This article explains why. A sidebar warns higher-income...

The notion of bartering may conjure an image of a crowded, bustling medieval bazaar. But these types of transactions continue to occur in today’s high-tech modern world. This brief article discusses whether and when bartering is taxable....

Every taxpayer with a high degree of wealth shouldn’t let estate tax liability or gift tax liability take their heirs by surprise. This article provides the latest info on estate and gift tax exclusions and exemptions, and explains how to help forecast one’s estate tax...

The IRS has treated owners of LLCs and LLPs as limited partners for purposes of the passive activity loss rules. This could be a tax negative. As this article explains, however, LLC and LLP owners can now be treated as general partners, which means they...

It’s not uncommon for parents, grandparents and others to make gifts to minors and college students. When considering this idea, taxpayers must beware of the kiddie tax. This tax trap could leave them liable for a substantial amount of tax dollars that they may never...

When someone hires household help — such as an in-home caregiver, gardener or personal chef — that individual may become an employer. With employer status comes a variety of specific tax obligations. This article explores four questions that everyone should ask before saying, “You’re hired.”...

Many people overlook tax considerations when planning their mutual fund investments. This article examines four techniques investors might consider, including avoiding year-end investments and investing in tax-efficient funds, if their portfolios include mutual funds. A sidebar explains how to account for cost basis....

Passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has led to confusion over some longstanding deductions. In response, the IRS recently issued a statement clarifying the rules surrounding the deductibility of home equity interest. This article compares the old rules to these new ones....

Around this time of year, many people have filed and forgotten about their 2017 tax returns. But one could get an abrupt reminder in the form of an IRS penalty. This article discusses three common types and how to seek relief....

Virtually everyone has a credit and debit card these days. But many people still live in fear of these plastic necessities because they’re unfamiliar with the fine print of the arrangements involved. This article explores the potential liability of both credit and debit cards, and...

The issue of reasonable owners’ compensation often comes up in federal tax inquiries, shareholder disputes and divorce cases. Determining what’s reasonable, and therefore defensible in court, requires a financial expert. This article describes some of the ways that such experts do their work....

A growing number of businesses have been victimized by W-2 phishing scams by which criminals trick business owners or employees into divulging sensitive personal data. This article explores how the crime works and what employers can do to stop it....

Business owners who go shopping for company assets this year should brush up on the enhanced bonus depreciation tax breaks created under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed late last year. This article explains how the rules differ under previous tax law and the...

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, signed into law this past December, has brought great changes to estate planning. In doing so, it bolstered the potential value of dynasty trusts. This article explains why these trusts are well worth considering for tax purposes, while a...

With conference calls and Web meetings increasingly prevalent, business travel isn’t what it used to be. But many companies still send employees out on the road. This article describes important concepts related to travel, such as travel expenses as a fringe benefit, establishing an accountable...

Many people might not start thinking about filing a tax return until close to this year’s April 17 deadline. But there’s another date to keep in mind: the day the IRS begins accepting 2017 returns in 2018. As this article explains, filing as close to...

The most effective way to protect assets from future creditors is to transfer them to children or other family members with no strings attached. But, understandably, many wealthier individuals want to retain some control over their wealth. This article looks at one potential option of...

When it comes to financial planning, most of us spend our time guarding against things that could go wrong. But what if something really good happens? Hitting the jackpot is obviously a nice problem to have. Yet an unexpected influx of cash can drive even...

As you file your 2016 income tax return, you may be wondering whether you’re eligible for tax breaks related to a niece who lives with you, or perhaps a stepson who spends only part of the year in your home. It all depends on whether,...