Estimated tax payments are required by self-employed individuals and sometimes those with income from interest, rent or dividends. Mishandling these payments could trigger penalties. This brief article offers three strategies for getting it right....

This calendar notes important tax deadlines for the fourth quarter of 2017....

Owners occasionally borrow funds from their businesses. This article explains the importance of treating these transactions as bona fide loans and charging an “adequate” rate of interest. It also provides a list of factors the IRS considers when evaluating corporate advances to shareholders....

Tax-friendly ways to pay for health care are very much in play for many people. The three primary players are Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), Flexible Spending Arrangements (FSAs) and Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs). This article offers a brief overview of each one....

Independent contractors are playing a bigger and bigger role in our economy. But the federal government still has a vested interest in ensuring workers aren’t misclassified as independent contractors when they’re really bona fide employees. This article reviews the key factors used by the IRS...

If you’re an investor looking to save tax dollars, your kids might be able to help you out. Giving appreciated stock or other investments to your children can minimize the impact of capital gains taxes. For this strategy to work best, however, your child must not...

Many private business owners elect to incorporate, turning their companies into C corporations. But, at some point, you may consider converting to an S corporation. This isn’t necessarily a bad idea, but it’s important to know the ramifications involved. Similarities and differences S and C corporations use...

Like so many aspects of the national and global economies, merger and acquisition (M&A) activity tends to wax and wane. Nonetheless, billions of dollars continue to change hands annually, and an acquisition can be a great way to grow a business. So if one of...

July 17 — If the monthly deposit rule applies, employers must deposit the tax for payments in June for Social Security, Medicare, withheld income tax and nonpayroll withholding. July 31 — If you have employees, a federal unemployment tax (FUTA) deposit is due if the FUTA liability through...

From time to time, a business may find that its operating expenses and other deductions for a particular year exceed its income. This is known as incurring a net operating loss (NOL). In such cases, companies (or their owners) may be able to snatch some tax...

Married couples don’t always agree — and taxes are no exception. In certain cases, an “innocent” spouse can apply for relief from the responsibility of paying tax, interest and penalties arising from a spouse’s (or former spouse’s) improperly handled tax return. Although it isn’t easy...

Someone who’s terminally or chronically ill may lack the funds to cover significant medical costs. Although insurance policies have historically been held for the death benefits, it may be possible to sell a policy to a viatical settlement provider. This way, the individual can secure...

When it comes to financial planning, most of us spend our time guarding against things that could go wrong. But what if something really good happens? Hitting the jackpot is obviously a nice problem to have. Yet an unexpected influx of cash can drive even...

As you file your 2016 income tax return, you may be wondering whether you’re eligible for tax breaks related to a niece who lives with you, or perhaps a stepson who spends only part of the year in your home. It all depends on whether,...

Individuals may want to donate artwork so it can be enjoyed by a wider audience or available for scholarly study or simply to make room for new artwork in their home. Here are four tips for donating artwork with an eye toward tax savings: 1. Get...

For many years, business owners had to ask themselves one question when it came to facing taxation in another state: Do we have “nexus”? This term indicates a business presence in a given state that’s substantial enough to trigger the state’s tax rules and obligations. Well,...

Many companies choose not to combine real estate and other assets into a single entity. Perhaps the business fears liability for injuries suffered on the property. Or legal liabilities encountered by the company could affect property ownership. But there are valid and potentially beneficial tax...

They say timing is everything. And, when it comes to year-end tax planning, this expression certainly holds true for income and expenses.   Know the basics When you don’t expect to be subject to the alternative minimum tax this year or next, deferring income to next year and...

Many business owners launch their companies from the front lines — as an employee. And it’s not uncommon for owners to stay in that role, working with their staff members to grow the business and guide its strategic direction. Come tax time, however, owner-employees face...

The traditional pension may seem like a thing of the past. But many workers are still counting on payouts from one of these “defined benefit” plans in retirement. If you’re among this group, it’s important to start thinking now about how you’ll receive the money...

Strategic perspectives Perhaps the most common purpose of a valuation is a prospective ownership transfer. Yet strategic investments (such as a new product or service line) can also greatly benefit from an accurate appraisal. As growth opportunities arise, business owners have only limited resources to pursue...

October 17 — Personal returns that received an automatic six-month extension must be filed today and any tax, interest, and penalties due must be paid. ·   Electing large partnerships that received an additional six-month extension must file their Forms 1065-B today. ·   If the monthly deposit rule...