Babies bring joy and excitement. They also bring substantial adjustments to the family budget! This article discusses a couple of ways to pacify the challenge: checking insurance and reviewing tax breaks. A sidebar advises starting a college fund as early as possible....

Taxpayers who are gig workers or otherwise self-employed likely must make estimated tax payments to the IRS every quarter. This article notifies readers of an upcoming payment deadline, explores the details of estimated tax payments, and looks at a method that may help people whose...

For hard-to-value assets, such as closely held businesses, real estate and art, a professional appraisal may be necessary. This article explores situations that call for an appraisal, including retirement and estate planning, gift disclosures and charitable donations....

Since the introduction of the qualified business income (QBI) deduction, many business owners have been left wondering whether they qualify for it. This brief article explains who’s eligible and how businesses may take action at year end to qualify....

Many Americans receive disability income, and the question is often asked: Is it taxable? The short answer is: That depends on who paid for it. This article details how and when taxes may apply. A sidebar discusses how much disability coverage an individual may need....

Owners of closely held corporations often want or need to withdraw cash from the business. The simplest way is to distribute the money as a dividend, but that isn’t tax-efficient. This article suggests several other ways to withdraw cash with generally better tax consequences, such...

Business owners sometimes decide to put their companies on the market. When doing so, they may focus on the federal tax implications of a sale. But there will be state tax implications, too. This brief article touches on some key issues regarding state taxes....

Family businesses make up a huge percentage of companies in the United States and produce much of the country’s gross domestic product. However, for various reasons, they may also potentially face higher fraud risk. This article discusses why, and how family business owners can reduce...

If your child has been awarded a scholarship for college or another type of school, it’s certainly cause for celebration. But parents need to be aware of the potential tax implications. This article explains whether or not scholarships are taxable. ...

If you’re a partner in a business, you may have encountered a situation that gave you pause. In any given year, you may have been taxed on more partnership income than was distributed to you. The cause of this quirk of taxation lies in the...

Trusts can help affluent individuals and families manage, protect and grow their wealth. But there are a wide variety to choose from, so it’s important to understand the basic concepts behind trusts before choosing one. This article defines trusts and provides an example of how...

Over the last year, many companies have experienced “workforce fluctuations.” If your business has engaged independent contractors to address staffing needs, be careful that these workers are properly classified for federal tax purposes. Tax obligations The question of whether a worker is an independent contractor or an...

No one likes a surprise when filing a tax return. One thing that takes many older people off-guard is getting taxed on their Social Security benefits. This article explains how to calculate provisional income to determine whether your Social Security income is indeed subject to...

About a year ago, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was launched in response to the COVID-19 crisis. If your company took out such a loan, you’re likely curious about the tax consequences — particularly for loans that have been forgiven. Forgiveness criteria An eligible recipient may have...

Everyone’s personal financial plan doesn’t have to be complex, but it does generally need to cover two major facets: paying down debt and saving money. This brief article discusses the importance of identifying one’s financial personality and using that as a guide to creating a...

Many people might think about moving to another state. However, it’s important to consider the tax ramifications before doing so. This article urges readers to identify all applicable taxes in a destination state and recommends being prepared to meet the legal requirements for establishing domicile....

Many people have found themselves working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic and wondering, “Can I claim the home office deduction for 2020?” The short answer is: Only if you’re self-employed. This article delves deeper into the other rules involved....

The federal child tax credit is available to help many taxpayers with children under the age of 17, and there’s a dependent credit for those who are eligible with older children. This article explores the details. A sidebar explains that a qualifying child must have...

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many cash-challenged businesses have bartered for goods and services instead of paying dollars for them. This article discusses the tax impact of bartering and explores membership in a barter exchange....

Perpetrators of investment fraud know how to push the right psychological buttons to entice their “marks” to buy worthless or nonexistent securities. This article explains how to recognize and mitigate risk by asking the right questions, performing some research and consulting with trusted advisors....

Wealthier individuals should bear in mind that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act temporarily doubled the federal gift and estate tax exemption through 2025. This brief article provides specifics on the dollar amounts involved and explains why there’s no reason to fear a “clawback.”...

For many, December 31 means a New Year’s celebration. From a tax perspective, however, it should mean thinking about which filing status you will use for that year’s tax return. This article reviews the five statuses. A sidebar looks at whether a married person can...

As the end of 2020 draws near, investors should take the time to review any mutual fund holdings in their taxable accounts and take steps to avoid potential tax traps. This article offers helpful tips such as avoiding capital gains surprises and being careful about...