It’s that time again: Time to start thinking about getting your tax return prepared. Here are some quick tips you can use to speed tax processing, avoid hassles and collect any refund due faster....

Taxpayers who received a large tax refund this year may want to adjust their withholding. Each year, millions of taxpayers claim an income tax refund. That can represent a pleasant influx of cash. But it’s probably not the best use of cash for taxpayers. In...

Self-employed individuals, and those with income from interest, rent, dividends and other sources, generally must pay estimated tax payments throughout the year. Mishandling these payments could trigger penalties. This brief article offers three strategies for getting it right, and a reminder that the next due...

The IRS generally begins accepting the previous year’s individual tax returns in late January. So, it’s time for taxpayers to start thinking about getting their tax returns prepared. Here are quick tips taxpayers can use to speed tax processing and avoid hassles....

Taxpayers with large, outstanding tax bills need to watch out. The U.S. State Department could deny a passport application, or revoke or limit a current passport, if the IRS certifies that an individual has a seriously delinquent tax debt. This brief article provides more information....

Must one spouse pay the tax resulting from a fabrication or omission by another spouse on a jointly filed tax return? It depends. This article explores the “innocent spouse” rules, which aren’t easy to qualify for but do offer relief to some taxpayers. A sidebar...

Estimated tax payments are required by self-employed individuals and sometimes those with income from interest, rent or dividends. Mishandling these payments could trigger penalties. This brief article offers three strategies for getting it right....